Frequently Asked Questions

Question: 我每学期都会自动获得认证吗?

Answer: No - because there are countless different means of paying for education through VA benefits, financial aid, out of pocket, etc.我们要确保每个学生每个学期都申请使用他们的福利. Some students prefer to use their benefits at later dates and we would not want to use up their benefits if not initially requested by the student.  You can request to be certified by visiting the Veteran Services Office in person or by calling or emailing us.

Question: 我什么时候开始领取福利(支票/直接存款)??

Answer: Normally, your checks/direct deposits will come on or around the first of the month after the month that has just passed. 例如:如果你在秋季学期开始参加MCC, 你将在10月1日左右收到九月份的月费. Sometimes this period is lengthened as a function of how much processing volume exists in the regional VA office. 如果你在每月的第一天或前后没有收到你的福利金, 你将收到欠你的任何款项. 有关付款的问题应直接致电退伍军人事务部热线1-888-442-4551.

Question: How can I pay for my tuition and fees if my payments do not start as soon as I start school?

Answer: MCC Veteran Services can defer part or all of your tuition and fee payments for up to three months of the semester. To calculate how much can be deferred, 用你每月的退伍军人津贴乘以学期的月数. For example, 如果你是全日制学生,享受第30章的福利, we can defer $1,473 per/month x 4 months or $5,892. 在这种情况下,整个法案将被推迟. However, 获得全日制1606章福利的学生, 每个月只能延期345美元× 4个月还是1380美元. In this scenario, the student would have to pay the excess (amount of the bill that exceeded $1380) up front or make other arrangements such as using financial aid, 或与学生会计办公室建立付款计划.

Question: 我正在领取《新葡京官网》第33章(9/11后)的福利, 我还可以获得联邦和州的财政援助吗?

Answer: Yes...and no. 如果你有资格获得100%的第33章福利, then you would only be eligible for federal financial aid such as Pell grants and student loans. 如果你有资格获得第33章40% - 90%的福利, then you may receive federal financial aid as well as state financial aid such as TAP and/or VTA - but state aid and VA benefits may not exceed the cost of your tuition.

Question: MCC说我是全日制学生,修12学分, 然而,在部分学期中,退伍军人事务部只支付四分之三的时间. Is this possible?

Answer: 是的,在某些情况下这种情况是存在的. 退伍军人福利给付的依据是出席日期. 当12学分的课程中有一部分是非标准学期时(例如.e. course length is less than the entire 15 week term) VA will only pay for the status that equates to the amount of credits taken at any given time. Thus, 如果12学分的课程中有一部分是本学期最后一个月的一学分课程, VA will pay the student on a ¾ time status while taking 11 credits and on a full-time status while taking 12 credits.

Question: 我在这学期被派往国外,我需要做什么?

Answer: 如果你发现你在本学期的任何时候被派遣, 请尽快与退伍军人服务办公室联系. We will want a copy of your orders so that we may work to ensure you do not acquire any costs related to withdrawing from courses. However, this is handled on a case-by-case basis and it is NOT guaranteed your bill will be fully-erased. 如果你的训练或订单只会持续几天左右, you will want to contact your professors IMMEDIATELY to ensure that your absences will not affect your class assignments and academic standing.

Question: Will the VA pay for courses outside of my major or courses that I want to repeat for a better grade?

Answer: 你只能在适合你的学术项目的课程上使用你的退伍军人福利. Regarding repeat courses, you may only use your benefits to repeat a course in which your academic program requires a certain passing grade; or if you received a "W" or "F" for the course. 这对于财政援助的使用也是一样的.

Question: I withdrew from my courses last semester and continued receiving my VA benefits throughout the term. Will this affect future benefits?

Answer: Yes-VA may allow a one-time drop of up to six credits without a penalty (recollection of funds). Under normal circumstances, however, if an overpayment situation exists, VA将从未来的VA支付中收回这笔钱. 如果学生决定不回学校, 那么VA通常会对该学生启动法律催收程序, 这将最终影响学生的信用评级. 有关这方面的申诉或问题应由VA处理,电话为1-888-442-4551.

Question: 我必须遵守什么学术标准才能保持我的退伍军人教育福利?

Answer: 是的——你的平均成绩必须保持在“C”或平均绩点2.0 out of 4.0. The Veteran Services Office at MCC reviews academic transcripts at the end of every semester. Those students who consistently perform below the established standards of success must be reported to the VA Regional Office in Buffalo. The Veterans Administration is the final determining authority for suspension or revocation of benefits. You may also be put on academic probation and have a max credit load that may affect the amount of benefits you are eligible to receive.

Question: 我的退伍军人教育福利包括辅导吗?

Answer: 一般来说,VA会在一定条件下支付辅导费用. Generally the student must prove that they are either deficient and/or not meeting program standards to be considered for tutoring reimbursement. 退伍军人事务部将在六个月内每月最多报销100美元,而不影响福利. 如果需要超过这个金额的辅导, 那么这些费用将从你的退伍军人福利中扣除, 从而缩短了您有资格获得福利的期限. 欲了解更多信息,请访问《新葡京官网》网站: GI Bill ® Tutoring Information.

Question: I served a three year enlistment and left the service with a general discharge under honorable conditions and contributed my $1200 to the GI Bill ® during my service. 我有资格享受退伍军人教育福利吗?

Answer: 你只有在光荣退伍的情况下才有资格享受退伍军人管理局的教育福利.

Question: 退伍军人事务部会为我在世纪挑战公司参加的任何项目支付福利吗?

Answer: 世纪挑战集团的大多数项目都有退伍军人福利. 退伍军人服务办公室保留了一份福利涵盖的所有项目的清单. 如果你想确定你所申请的项目是否包括在内, 联系MCC的退伍军人服务办公室.

Question: 我是否有资格获得三年以上的退伍军人教育福利?

Answer: The standard award period for most benefit categories is three years of full-time benefits (Chapter 35 recipients can receive up to 45 months of benefits and five additional months for remedial/refresher training). Students receiving benefits, 即使可能在不止一个章节中有资格, 一次只能领取一个类别的福利. It is possible however, 延长一年的福利, 如果在一个以上的章节合格. 乔·史密斯在军队服役四年, got out, 然后在纽约国民警卫队服役了六年. Joe would be entitled to benefits under both Chapter 30 for his active service and under chapter 1606 for his National Guard service. In this scenario he would receive Chapter 30 benefits until they are exhausted (because the award is higher) then would receive full-time Chapter 1606 benefits for an additional year.

Question: What is a "kicker"?

Answer: A kicker is a supplement paid to certain VA educational benefit recipients that is awarded because the unit is a "high priority unit". 一般来说,每月的额外收益从100美元到几百美元不等. 如果你是根据第1606章(储备部分)领取权益, 如果你要收到罚款,一定要通知退伍军人服务办公室. In certain cases, Chapter 30 recipients may also be receiving kickers if they are serving in reserve component units subsequent to their active duty service. In either case we will ask you to bring in a copy of your kicker contract to ensure that it is processed efficiently and without delay!!

Question: 我如何报名参加国民警卫队学费援助计划?

Answer: 学费援助计划由纽约州资助和管理. Questions regarding this program should be addressed through your National Guard unit, if applicable. 这也适用于任何国防部TA项目.

Question: I've heard that I can receive some college credit for some of the work I did in the military. How does this work?

Answer: 在收到学生的正式成绩单和要求后, 我们会对你的军事成绩单进行评估. Once we complete our evaluation, 我们会将一份复印件转发给招生办公室, 你获得的学分将在哪里记入你的成绩单. 大多数学生在完成基础训练后将获得至少两个体育学分. Other credits received normally are counted as general elective credit and can substitute for general elective requirements of your respective programs. The decision to award military credit for required program courses rests with the respective department chairpersons.